Hello shoppers...
Greetings from the secretly located Buyosphere kitchens of The Unsecret Shopper, where skilled podcast chefs have attempted to make something appetizing out of this morning's Unsecret Shopper Radio Show.
Hear for yourself if it's money well spent.
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show for Saturday July 17th, 2010
(Left-click to listen, right-click to download, don't click to not hear)
The menu for today's show includes an overview of the Secret Shopper review of Dewey Ford, for starters. Then we dig into dinner with a two-course meal fit for a king (of all local TV news anchors), featuring Kevin "Mr. Cooney, if ya nasty," right out of the NewsChannel 8 anchor chair. Kevin talks about his humble news guy beginnings, squabbles on the set, his toughest interview, and "boxers, briefs or commando?"
Plus, if you find yourself ungainfully unemployed and are applying for jobs, you'll want to listen to the last segment, which focuses on how to use the 5 pillars of great customer service, to your soon-to-be gainfully employed advantage.
You'll find more job search tips and advice in Monday morning's Unsecret Shopper blog post.
Why would any self-respecting job seeker turn to The Unsecret Shopper for job seeking advice? 27 words: I've face-to-face interviewed over 100 times and applied for over 1,000 jobs throughout my 2o year broadcasting career, including 400 in one 10-month period alone, which automatically qualifies me for enshrinement into The Those That Can't Do, Teach Hall Of Fame.
There were 44 words, not 27 - under promise and over deliver, job seeking tip #7. See if I learned anything else, as we see each other right back here, on Monday.
Meantime, have a great weekend - by shopping happy, serving happy and just flat-out being happy. What else IS there to be, that's as much fun? :)
"Nothing in this life makes us feel as free, or as young,
as the freedom we feel feeling free to just laugh, and be happy."
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am, on 1350, KRNT.
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Email Jonnie at: jonnie@thebuyosphere.com

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