Hello shoppers...
Another opening, another Unsecret Shopper Radio Shooooowww, another Enron: The Musical.
Before the curtain closed and refunds were made, patrons did get to hear from one of the brightest minds in social, or any other, media. Andrew Clark, interactive media director for Love Scott and author of The Brand Chef, talked about what every business owner needs to know to safely dive into the shark-infested waters of viral marketing.
There's also an overview of last Thursday's Secret Shopper review of Costco.
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show for Saturday July 24th 2010
(Left click to listen, right click to download, don't click to not hear it.)
RAGBRAI rolls tomorrow, my fanny already hurts and I'm not even on it (the ride - otherwise, I am sitting). For those of you who are gearing up for this knee/back/bum busting mission to navigate a distance roughly equal to that between the currently big house dwelling Lindsay Lohan and the closest bar, please enjoy the smiling, greeting, engaging, thanking, promise to follow up ways of the wonderful people you meet along the way, who have the five pillars of great customer service down pat.
Get some names and phone numbers for me, would ya? I know of some openings...
Next week is Rerun Week, as The Unsecret Shopper goes on vacation, replaced by my five favorite posts since I started this blogging dealio, back in January. Yes, reposting elevates the already narcissistic self-important practice of blogging into something that would make even Donald Trump reach for a Donald Trump Enterprises barf bag.
To let the air out of my vainglorious ways, I'm starting off the week with the first blog post I wrote, which is as freshly pedestrian and embarrassing this second time around as it was on the January day I wrote it.
It's all downhill, as Lindsey Vonn says, from there.
Speaking of which, may the Ragbrai'ers have only downhill slopes on Sunday, the kind where they can crack open a book, put their feet up on the handlebars, kick back, and relax, while the bike, and gravity, does all the work.
That's why they will no longer allow The Unsecret Shopper on RAGBRAI.
May you enjoy wherever you ride, walk, drive and shop this weekend, and may your journey be a pleasant downhill coast, with a nice tailwind.
The blogs continue next week. I'm outta here, till the next. Thank you for reading, if and when you do...
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am, on 1350, KRNT.
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