Hello shoppers...
Red, white and blue birthday greetings to you, as we begin our collective, extended weekend celebration of the birth of America, 234 years ago tomorrow.
As we roll out the flags, lawn chairs and potato salad, as we watch the parades roll down our city streets, and fireworks roll across our nighttime skies, many of us will also take a moment to roll back our thoughts in time, to that oppressively hot July 4th day in Philadelphia when delegates of The Second Continental Congress, signed the document that declared their fellow citizen's independence from British rule. (Okay, so most of them actually signed it on August 2nd, but just go with it.)
The most famous line (penned by Thomas Jefferson) from one of the most famous documents in human history, speaks of the "pursuit of happiness" as one of our God-given rights, as human beings. The topic of that pursuit, dominates this morning's Unsecret Shopper Radio Show.
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show for Saturday July 3rd 2010
(Left-click to listen, right-click to download, don't click to not hear it)
The show includes an overview of what happiness is, how we achieve it, and a tribute to Beth, one very special woman who is living it, as a very happy employee of Dahl's Foods in Johnston, and winner #4 of The Smile Project.
You'll also hear an interesting interview with Jeff, an employee of Westside Auto Pros, who is involved in my customer service training program.
We close out the show with a closer look at The Declaration of Independence, perhaps the ultimate customer service manual, and a stirring finish from the late, great Ray Charles.
May you enjoy the show, the sunshine, the holiday weekend and the glory of being free.
See you back here on Monday.
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am, on 1350, KRNT. Email Jonnie at jonniewright@thebuyosphere.com

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