Hello shoppers...
To paraphrase The Beatles, here comes the snow and, depending on your point of view, it may or may not be alright.
That's why I'm a radio show host and not a lyricist. Speaking of which...
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show for Saturday January 8th, 2011
(Left click to listen, right click to download, don't click to not hear.)
Today's show includes a blizzard of feedback from the Secret Shopper review of Des Moines auto repair shop scheduling portals, Part 1 and Part 2.
I also talk with Troy Dolph, a customer service stud muffin at Cottman Auto Care on Hickman, and one of the (un)sung heroes of the review.
We switch gears (gently, because that's what our tranny would want) and talk about the difference between trailers, manufactured homes and modular homes with Bob Jones, owner of R and J Home Center on Army Post Road.
My last stop is with Bruce Anderson, general counsel for the Iowa Auto Dealers Association, who talks about how local auto dealers maintain good customer service in their service departments.
They (meaning John Mclaughlin) say the approaching snow may pile up to eight inches in Central Iowa by Tuesday. We'll deal with it then.
For now, all we know is that the snow shovel is resting comfortably in the garage, the sun is out and the weekend is smiling at us.
I'm smiling back. Hope you are, too. :)
See you back here on Monday.
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am, on 1350, KRNT.
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