Hello shoppers...
Either Santa is resting before a VERY big day next Saturday, or he couldn't quite make it through The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show without nodding off.
No hard feelings if you doze off while listening.
The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show For Saturday December 18th, 2010
(Left click to listen, right click to download, don't click to not hear)
Today's show features an overview of the Secret Shopper review of Des Moines area Mall Santas, who also gave me a few minutes of their time to talk about, among other things, their summer homes, their Hollywood aspirations and how they'll get the gifts delivered next Saturday, when they absolutely positively have to be there overnight.
You will hear a conversation with "Al," my best friend, who was let go from Cub Foods in Ames when the store closed its doors for good in November. I also talk with Scott Politte, General Manager at Stivers Ford Lincoln Mercury in Waukee, on how he came to read the story I wrote about Al, and why reaching out to the community is so important to him.
Today's show is the last "live" Unsecret Shopper Radio Show show for 2010. Next week it's Christmas, so expect lots of fun Christmas favorites in the hour normally occupied by my rambling. The following Saturday is January 1st: 2011 will begin for most of us with either waking up late, buying groceries early and a "Best Of" show, regardless.
These last two weeks will certainly rush by in a blur, like we were watching them while staring out of the window of a very fast-moving car. May you and I give ourselves permission to stop the car, open the door, get out and look and listen to one or two moments along the way.
The busy road ahead will wait for us. :)
Wherever your journey takes you over the next few weeks, I'm sending you my warmest holiday wishes while you travel along it, for a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
Jonnie Wright is a customer service evaluator and trainer, professional secret shopper, marketing strategist and host of The Unsecret Shopper Radio Show, Saturday mornings 8-9am, on 1350, KRNT.
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